A place of honesty and braevry

A place of honesty and bravery

Monday, September 6, 2010

We just returned from our family vacation and we had so much fun. Our first stop was at Bear Country USA. This was such a wonderful experience for the kids to get up close with the bears. Later that night we stayed in a hotel which had a water slide. This was such a surprise for the children

The next day we ventured out and did some gold panning in Rapid City. We spent about and hour and a half their waiting for Taeler to finish because she would not leave. After that, we took the kids to Reptile Gardens where they got to see lots of reptiles and they even got to pet a large turtle.

Once we were finished there, we moved on towards Story, Wyoming where we spent the next two days camping with Matt's family. By the time our trip was over, we were exhausted. But we had lots of fun anyways.

Here are a few slidshows from our trip.

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Take My Hand

This past weekend, my family and I went up to Story Wyoming to go camping with Matt’s family. Matt’s family owns a cabin and we thought that it would be fun to go and get to see all of his relatives. However, I was unaware of what lessons God would have in store for me while I was there.

On one of the days that we were there we decided that it would be neat to go hiking in the woods. While we were doing this, we came across a creek that had a tree lying across it so that we could cross the creek without falling in the water. Well, my husband being the outdoorsman that he is decided that it would be a great idea to go ahead and cross the creek. I, however, was not so sure of this idea.

You see, I have a very real fear of the water and although I am a dancer I do not trust my ability to balance very well. Perhaps, this was because I knew that there was water below me. Without even thinking, my wonderful husband came back out onto the tree and reached out his hand and told me take his hand and that I was going to be just fine. Well, I did end up taking him by the hand and I did make it across the creek as Matt lead me, holding my hand the whole time.

This was a very special moment for me. At this very time I immediately thought about where I was at with my relationship with God, and I knew that I was in a place where God was asking me to take him by the hand and trust him as he leads me through a very difficult time in my life. What a wonderful feeling it is knowing that I can trust God to lead me through this time in my life and that I am able to know that he has me by the hand and he will not let me go. All I have to do is trust him.

Where exactly is it that you are in your life right now? Are you in a place where you desperately need God to guide you? I encourage you to trust him and know that he will lead you through the storm and into places that you never thought that you would end up. Just be brave enough to trust him.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our" Fuzzy" Little Friend

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I still remember like it was yesterday. We went shopping for Taeler's 6th birthday party. At this time in her life Taeler was having alot of problems adjusting to the many different changes in her life.

So, we decided that it would be nice to buy her something extra special for her birthday. We all decided on a cute fluffy white guinea pig that we saw in a pet shop. If only I knew how much this little animal would really change my daughters life.

Taeler fell in love with him immediately and she decided to name him Fuzzy. These two became inseperable. I was so happy to finally see my little girl smile again. He was worth every penny that we spent on him.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Divine Embrace part four

" The secrets we have to tell are not just the cowering secrets that have closeted themselves in our innermost selves, but the childlike ones that are eager to throw open the front door and run out to play. Our sorrows are not the only secrets that we keep. Our joys are often kept carefully guarded, too, especially our joys about Jesus, who is of all our secrets the most telling and the most precious we have to tell."

I am really not sure what to say about this passage but "WOW." I love passages that really hit home and say it all in such a short amount of time. I love how the author makes it clear that we have many different secrets. I totally agree with these. I know that some of the recent struggles and heartaches that I have gone through have been kept secret. I also know that many of the joys I have experienced have also been kept secret.

I believe that a lot of this has to do with the fact that I am an introvert. I love being alone and I often keep to myself just because that is who I am. That is who God created me to be. I also know that God has used that in many different ways to minister to others and I am sure that there have been many times that he has used that quality about me when I did not even know about it.

I only hope that when those moments come in life where I have the chance to share Christ with others that I take it with confidence. I also hope that I would be effective in how I present Christ to others.

A Precious Memorial

Over the last month or so I have really been working hard at getting through the miscarriage that my husband and I experienced this past December. I have to say that nothing in the world could ever prepare you for the pain that a miscarriage can cause. My husband Matt and I did not know that we were expecting again but it still hurts just the same. And I often think that maybe had we had the miscarriages before our two children that we have now then maybe the pain would not have been so intense.

I thank God every day for the children that we have. We are truly blessed by them and we really could not have asked for better kids. I realize though that this probably happened now because we do have children. Perhaps, God allowed this to happen now because we have the children. They have provided an incredible amount of support for us through this time and I am not so sure that I would have made it through this time without their unconditional love and at times overwhelming concern for me and my well being. They keep me going each day even when I want to just throw my hands up in the air and give up.

I made this video in memory of the two babies that I lost. Its just another thing that I felt that I had to do to help me grieve this loss.

I also want to thank every person who has supported us through this time. We would not have made it without the continual support and love that you have given us. God Bless you all. Christine

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Divine Embrace part three

As I was reading through this book I came across another passage which really spoke to me. The chapter was titled The Music of the Dance. Here is what it said:

I need the music, too. I need it in different ways on different days. I need it for strength. On others, for courage.

I totally agree with this statement. In order for me to dance I do need the music and depending on what is going on in my life I need certain music to completely express what it is that I want to say to God.

But dancing with God. Now that takes on a whole new meaning. What kind of dance would that be? Perhaps, I am not even dancing with him but dancing as he watches. But as I have recently learned God does not just want to sit by and watch. He eagerly longs to dance with me.

As I look at this a little closer in my mind, the picture completely changes. I can see myself as a little girl in a tiny pink dress with pigtails in my hair, I am holding his hands and I find myself dancing perfectly with him never missing a step. As I look down I then discover that I am simply standing on Jesus' toes.

Perhaps this is what God really wanted me to see. He wanted me to realize that he is leading me in every area of my life just like that dance floor. And in some ways I guess you can say that he is carrying me more than leading me.

What a comfort that is. Especially at this very moment in my life.

The New Pool Adventures

At the beginnig of the summer, we finally broke down and decided to buy the kids their own pool. Now, we really thought that this was a good idea because they love swimming and they are always trying to get us to take them to the pool. Well like everyone else we cannot afford to take them to the pool every day and when we figured it up we would actually be savng money over time by buying our own pool. That and are kids are just down right spoiled.

I just knew that they would enjoy this new investment, but I was not prepared for how much they would really enjoy it. Then you throw in the fact that my husband Matt is probably the biggest kid of all and it just spells disaster. The other night I was inside cleaning the kitchen when my little Hunter came running in yelling Mommy, Mommy you have to come see what daddy is doing in the pool.

Now I have been married for eight year now and I have to say that he never fails to surprise me with what he comes up with. I only feel sorry for his mother because I can only imagine what type of kid he was.

Here is what I saw when I went into my backyard....